Jesus and john wayne synopsis
Jesus and john wayne synopsis

That is a mercy, not least because 'Lives' will be the single largest title I have ever taken up, with Audible showing the copy I’ve just bought at 83 hours and 11 minutes long. He doesn't just subject his readers to dry recitations of names and dates without effect.

jesus and john wayne synopsis

I get this favorable impression, for instance, that Plutarch places a special emphasis both on telling stories with morals as well as explaining the morals to the stories he tells. From what I’ve heard from them, 'Lives' is enriching stuff. My wife is also encouraging me in this, since our kids study Plutarch as part of our homeschooling curriculum. Now I remember how my friend Joseph Crampton recommended I dig into Plutarch’s ‘Parallel Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans’ next, and that title is calling my name. I am almost through ‘The Histories’ by Polybius, and hope to wrap up the last few hours today.

Jesus and john wayne synopsis